General/Academic Bio

Jacket & Tie offset largeE Winter Tashlin ( is an presenter, activist, photographer, and pagan community leader with over a decade of experience running rituals and teaching classes that range from private one-on-one instruction, to conferences and events across the United States. Topics he presents on include alternative sexuality & BDSM, spirituality, queer/LGBT issues, polyamory, and disability management. He is a blogger and past associate editor for the LGBT politics and culture blog The Bilerico Project, and the former assistant producer for Dark Odyssey Events. An active pagan educator and practitioner, his ritual work particularly focuses around rites of personal transformation and the elemental connection between people and the land. Winter was keynote speaker for Transcending Boundaries Conference 2014, and his writing and photography have appeared in a wide range of LGBT and pagan publications. He has appeared in television documentaries featuring topics such as polyamory, spirituality, and genital integrity in both the United States and Great Britain, as well as in storytelling shows and podcasts.

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